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“You were thinking towards the sea. . .” Saddleback Mountain (Steve Arndt 2003)
Posted: Sunday, September 29, 2019

Steve 3

Saddleback Mountain

We leaned on our hiking sticks
the distance was wide to the sea
and quiet, the way a strong mountain
top holds a moment.

Green land rolled shadows
and above, sky so blue you
could see night behind it.

What question could say all that was before us?

A high pine wind lifted our sweat inland
We had not planned to climb the whole way
just one more patch of sun up the trail.

Overhead, a red-tailed hawk flew circles
calling up to the sun and you shaded your
eye with a big hand to follow.

“someone always watching no matter what,”
you said, then let silence answer the way
you did after you said these kinds of things.

Far below, along the stretch of highway
we had traveled, tiny windshields winked
silver up through fat summer maples

and in one of those fast cars a small boy
was on his way to see an ocean for the first
The other way, a log truck barreled a haul
of old trees down to a better place for trees.

You were thinking towards the sea when
I turned. A silhouette of a kind man’s face
caught in afternoon sun.

Now, this picture I keep,
how light comes to humble men.
of Ed standing on a mountain

and who we can be on that highway.

To Big Ed

Love Steve Arndt 7/10/03

Photo: Steve & friends gather for a literary brunch at The Stacks Coffeehouse (6/23/19).