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Bentari Project Blog
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In the middle of a dangerous hard time, small is large.
Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Parent and chick

Hummingbird update!

On 3/29, I posted a photo of "nesting" birds. And I expressed concern for the tiny feathered family—what would become of them? They had built their nest in an ill-rated tree—scheduled for removal.

The dog and I were out stretching legs today when I got worried again. The nest looked abandoned!

Not to worry. Today's photos reveal that yesterday’s "nesters" were not expecting parents, but rather a pair of chicks!

Here they are today—out and about and taking turns with Mother serving them supper. She clicked angrily and was clearly less than pleased with me. She could not know how grateful I was for her presence. I was the intruder holding a leash in one hand and digging through several pockets until my hand emerged juggling a phone to turn on the camera. Jax the pooch stood still like a genius.

I got lucky. Mother fed both her chicks in turns, one in the garden and one in the doomed dogwood. She even posed majestically for patient Jax and me.

Ah, spring. New life. Parenthood.

In the middle of a dangerous hard time, small is large. In fact, enormous.

two hummingbirds

adult hummingbird